Hi, I’m Jitsie!

What kind of name is Jitsie? It’s a nickname a co-worker started calling me years and years ago, and it spread like peanut butter on bread, slowly but surely, and stuck. And I like it.

It stems from my last name, Jitsawat.

Why subscribe? Because I’m a hot f*ing mess, I’m stumbling through this blindly, so why miss out on that kind of fun?

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  • If I ever get enough money to print into a book, you’ll get a signed one of these, too! 🤞🏼

(☕️ If you’d like to support without committing to a paid subscription, you can also buy me a coffee.)

Support My Newly Re-founded Writing Journey

I just recently realized that I wanted to return to writing. A brief explanation of the gap in my writing timeline goes like this:

👧🏻 Childhood/Grade School: Wrote consistently in diaries and journals, wrote short fiction and poetry, won contests

📔 High School: Wrote for newspaper and yearbook, wrote obsessively in diaries and journals, wrote poetry, won contests and awards

🎥 College: Found out I couldn’t double major in journalism and film, so I had to choose one. I chose film. Wrote somewhat consistently in diaries and journals, myspace posts and livejournals before Facebook, Twitter and Instagram took over everything and I forgot to write posts.

🤷🏻‍♀️ Post College: Got married, got promoted at work, had kids, decided to be a stay at home mom, stumbled and fell onto my face with anxiety and post partum depression, over volunteered at my kids’ schools to compensate for the fact that I generate no income and to project outward proof to no one in particular, “Hey! Look! I do stuff!” even though I was already doing too much, then my therapist said, “Stop, you’re doing too much,” so I stopped and was like, “Now what?”

Little to No Writing.

👉🏼 Now: I’m writing a memoir, The Crush Chronicles, and I can already tell it will be the first memoir of many. Even if I’m the only one that ends up reading it, but that’s why you’re here!

Join the Fun

Be part of a community of people who like to read memoir, even if they’re written by amateurs like me! I post twice a month, usually on Wednesdays.

So, prepare yourself.

So, what do you think? I hope you consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Regardless, I’m glad you stopped by!

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Subscribe to Rachel Jitsawat

Amateur Memoir & Other Musings


I have at least nine lives, and I plan to write about them all.